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A Message from Principal Nadia Oskolkoff


Hello Gardner Families,


Welcome to the new 2017-18 school year!  The staff and I look forward to seeing all of our returning families and meeting our new ones.  We especially look forward to seeing the students again!  I thought about them so many times over the summer and cannot wait to see their smiling faces!  This is such an exciting time of year and I am so happy to be a part of this amazing community for another year.  I very much look forward to a continuation of the work we have all been a part of throughout the school year.  This year we will introduce several new things and continue several others.  Below is a brief introduction and examples of some of that good work.  Please look forward to more information to come:


New School Rules

  • Grizzlies are:

    • Kind

    • Safe

    • Respectful

    • And, do their Best!


Example of Social-Emotional Health Work

  • Recess Activities

    • Agreed upon game rules posted

    • Resources systematically shared

    • Organized games

    • A good sportsmanship focus


Example of our Positive Behavior Matrix


Grizzlies are Kind

Grizzlies are Safe

Grizzlies are Respectful

Grizzlies do

their Best


Listen to the speaker

Walking Feet

Take care of supplies


Write complete sentences


Share & include everyone

Stay within boundaries

Clean up @ the whistle

Throw trash in can


Care for books

Line up at the whistle

Read to self

Use shelf markers

Lunch Tables

Include everyone at your table


Keep hands and food to self

Respect lunch duty and other adults

Clean up your area


Smile and say hello

Have a buddy with them

Wait your turn


Grizzly Lane

Back-packs hung up


Use a quiet voice




Early Release Thursdays:  Our ER Thursdays will begin the first week of school on August 17th.  Below is the bell schedule for the Thursday release times.  On ER Thursday, the staff and I will continue our work in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) when we collaborate together to answer 4 essential questions:  

  • What do we expect our students to learn?    

  • How will we know they are learning? 

  • How will we respond when they don’t learn? (Intervention)

  • How will we respond if they already know it?  (Extension)

Thursday Early Release Times

  • *Kindergarten:   1:15 pm (After September 11th)

  • 1st-2nd grade:     1:25 pm

  • 3rd-6th grade:     1:45 pm


M-T-W-F Release Times

  • *Kindergarten:    2:30 pm (Beginning September 11th)

  • 1st-2nd grade:    2:40 pm

  • 3rd-6th grade:    3:00 pm

*Please note:  Kindergarteners are released at noon August 16th-Septermber 8th.


Coffee with the Principal: Please join me for our Coffee with the Principal monthly meetings right after our Friday morning assembly at 8:45.  This will be a casual time to learn more about what is happening at Gardner and for you to ask me any questions you may have.  It will also be a nice time to spend together as the Gardner Bullis Community.  Below are the dates of our coffees.  Please mark your calendars, as I would love to have you join me:

  • September 8th

  • October 13th

  • November 17th

  • January 12th

  • February 9th

  • March 9th

  • May 11th


Class Lists:  You will receive your child’s teacher assignments on Friday, August 11th.  Again we welcome our new teachers this year:  

  • Mrs. Diane Wharton-1st grade

  • Mrs. Katie Tew-2nd grade

  • Ms. Courtney Carroll-2nd grade

  • Mrs. Natalie Axley-4th grade

  • Mrs. Alexandra Schroeder-STEM & Literacy Coach

  • Cari Bruzelius-6th grade Literacy Coach


PTA:  Gardner has an amazing group parents who work tirelessly for our PTA.  I am so grateful for all they do.  Please be sure to read all of their information in their welcome letter as it is full of important information for the kick-off of the school year.  If you have any questions for your PTA you can contact them at  You may also find information at

I look forward to seeing you at our Popcorn Social on Tuesday the 15th at 4:00 pm and on our first day of school Wednesday, August 16th.


Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal


Principal Nadia Oskolkoff


More messages from the Principal can be found here


As the principal of Gardner Bullis, my vision is for us to be a community who works together to reflect our mission and commitment to all students.



Nadia Oskolkoff (pronounce it like, "a skull cough" or just say Ms. O) was an elementary principal for three years before joining LASD.  Her past work also included the roles of assistant high school principal and an AP Social Studies teacher.   She is a graduate of San Francisco State University for both her bachelor's and master's degrees and is currently working on her doctoral degree in education where her dissertation is focused on school culture.  She is passionate about building relationships within the Gardner community and supporting the staff so that ALL students can be successful.  When she is not working hard at school, she is in the woods hiking with her family and their dog Millie.  Nadia welcomes everyone to stop by and say "hello" anytime.




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