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Parent & Teacher's Association Contacts (2019-20)

Thinking about volunteering?  Your help is greatly needed by our students.  We all enjoy the benefits of having a smaller school but this means that every parent is needed as a volunteer no matter how small their contribution.  Even a single hour of your time counts!  You will meet your fellow school parents and feel good about volunteering!  Please contact the committee chairs or the PTA Co-Presidents listed below if you are interested in volunteering for their committee. Contact information for each person can be found in the directory.  The PTA membership votes for the PTA Executive Board near the end of the school year.  If you have an interest in joining the PTA Executive Board, please contact the PTA Nominating Committee during in winter-spring timeframe.

(Gardner Bullis PTA status as of August 2, 2018)

PTA Exec Board

Co-President Jody Vandergriff Jody Vandergriff
Co-President Annie Schmidt Annie Schmidt
VP Communications Margie Swain Margie Swain
VP Community Relations Kelly Loughlin Kelly Loughlin
VP Revenue Heidi Mayon Heidi Mayon
Treasurer Helene Karlsson Helene Karlsson
Financial Secretary

Courtney Carulli

Courtney Carulli
Secretary Aileen Breslow Aileen Breslow
Historian/Membership Alissa Faris Alissa Faris
Auditor Emily Pirozzo Emily Pirozzo
Parliamentarian Margaret Pettit Margaret Pettit

PTA Committees 2019-20

After School Tanya Lattner (Lead) (Elaine Wang, Carol Klein will help with transition)
Art Docent Lead Yuki Yamaguchi
Bear Tracks Tori Oliver
Book Fair Tanya Lattner (Lead), Ali Granbery, Geetika Virk; Kater for decor only
Family Fun: Boys Night Out

Taryn Merkley & Abigail Mullens

Family Fun: Girls Night Out
Family Fun: Quarter Thursday
Pet Parade Margie Swain
Field Day Dan Bruckner
Gardner Student Directory  
Gardner Webmaster Sandy Tierling
Marketing and Swag Susan Lee
Gardner Gives Back Program Ali Granbery + Jillian Draeger
Head Room Parent Erin Hurd
Hot Lunch (Vendors) Camilla & Siri Eikdal
Junior Olympics  
New Family Welcome  
Ambassador Program Christine Bruckner, Courtney Carulli, Gilda Foss
Project Cornerstone Mona Ahuja, Margaret Pettit, Jillian Draeger
Staff Appreciation Gilda Foss
Yearbook Susan Lee and Erin Hautop
Multi-cultural Fair Mona Ahuja and Seema Mehta
Green Team  
Lost and Found Tori Oliver
Parent Education  
Photography Coordinator  
Gardner Wear  
Emergency Prep/ Emergency Planning Michael Bortz
Bike Safety/WOW Anand, Warren, Meera, Lindsay & Daniel, Maureen & Cedric, Arnaud & Emilie
Box Tops Student Councils
Bookquest Anna Kermani & Elaine Wang
Holiday Boutique Camilla Gonzalez and Siri
Popcorn Social Christie/Kelly
Facilities Liason Elaine Wang



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