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Stay Connected With School and District Communications


School Communications

Weekly Emails

Every week, typically on Friday, the Principal sends out an email newsletter called Bear Tracks.  The weekly Bear Tracks features a  "Principal's Message" and outlines what is going on at school, in LASD, and the community in the coming week and in the near future.  Once Bear Tracks has gone out via email, it then goes onto the home page of

Every Sunday an email newsletter is sent to the school community that is customized for each recipient and has information specific to each person/family regarding upcoming events and message from the PTA, classrooms, or staff. The email arrives in your inbox with the following header information:

  • Sender: Gardner Bullis Calendar
  • Subject: [GARDNERBULLIS] Weekly Upcoming Events Newsletter

Find more information about the newsletter at


Classroom Parent (School Directory)

ClassroomParent ( is an online school directory which allows you to communicate within the school community. School, grade level, classroom and group information is managed here by the PTA, teachers, staff, room parents and group leaders and sent via email as needed or in the weekly newsletter.

There is a PTA Group for members, and various other groups that are created and managed within Classroom Parent. To learn more about how groups work, please see the help articles on ClassroomParent or click on the "Groups" tab/header after you log in.


Your Email Address

Bear Tracks is sent to the email address defined by the information in the LASD Info Snap during student registration.

The Sunday newsletter is sent to the email on file in the school directory ClassroomParent. You can update that information any time by logging into your account at


Annoucement Submission

To submit an announcement to Bear Tracks, or have it included in the Sunday Newsletter, send it to Kate Schermerhorn ( for Bear Tracks) or VP of Communications (Sunday Newsletter) by each Wednesday at Noon for publication that same week.


Social Media Communications


Like to Follow Social Media?

Like Gardner Bullis on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter and Instagram!


District Communications


News from LASD

The Los Altos School District has a website with Community News and Parent EDtalks. As a parent of a student within LASD, you will also receive regular emails from Sandra McGonagle, the Superintendent, with district updates and Board Meeting Highlights. 


LASD uses the Peachjar eFlyer service for community announcements outside of the school, district, PTA and LAEF.

If you want to distribute an eFlyer to the school, please review these guidelines from LASD.

Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) Communications

The Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF) is a non-profit foundation led by parent volunteers that raises funds to provide teachers and staff for essential programs at all nine LASD neighborhood schools. LAEF communicates with district-enrolled families in a variety of ways, most frequently via email. For more information on LAEF, click here.

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