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April 02, 2018

Junior Olympics is Coming!  The Jr. Olympics committee needs YOUR help!

First. for all 4th-6th grade parents:  Please fill out the permission slip on this page (fill out even if your child is NOT participating so we can plan ahead for the appropriate number of children:

Second, we REALLY need help the day of Junior Olympics.  This event is staffed entirely by volunteers and we could not do this without you. Sign up for event-day duties here (and feel free to sign up with a friend -- it's a lot more fun that way).  Sign up here:  2018 J.O. Event Volunteers

Finally, for all Gardner Bullis parents:  We want you to know that though participation is limited to 4th-6th graders, all students and their families are invited and encouraged to come to Junior Olympics to watch the events and cheer on their school teams!  So please mark the date, April 28th, on your calendars!

Your Gardner Bullis JO Cp-Chairs,

Dee, Tara, Laura and Amanda

A word from our district nurses

Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep him/her home. In this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.

Keep your child at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 99.6 or higher
  • Chills
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Sore throat or trouble swallowing     
  • Coughing, sneezing, and/or runny nose
  • Rash or unusual sores or spots        
  • Headache
  • Generalized muscle aches and pains
  • Wheezing or trouble breathing
  • Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes        
  • Head Lice

You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours.

Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles or whooping cough (pertussis).  These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems.

The following information is only a guide to common childhood health concerns. Call our District Nurses (650-444-9702 or 650-537-8119) or personal health care provider for more information. Always bring a copy of a physician’s note to school and/or notify the school if your child will have an extended absence due to a health condition for 10 days or longer.

Pertussis Booster for Students in 6th grade:

Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2018. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office as soon as possible!

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