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June 03, 2018


Dear LASD Parents/Guardians,

As the primary stakeholders in our schools, we want to learn about your perspectives on school overcrowding and a new school site.

In a week or so, LASD will be launching a tool called ThoughtExchange to begin an online forum to share perspectives on the plan for the new school and students that will attend it, so that we may continue academic excellence for all children in our community.

You will be invited to participate in an Exchange that flows through three steps: Share, Star and Discover. You will receive an invitation to participate, but if you would like to pre-register, please click here.

On behalf of the students we serve, thank you for taking the time to share your perspective. We believe that by inviting your input, the Board of Trustees will be able to make a decision about the future school site that best serves our community and our students.


Jeff Baier, Superintendent

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