We've raised $1 Million ... well on our way to our $3.5 Million fundraising goal!
We are grateful to the families who have donated this school year.
Our annual LAEF Phonathon is coming up on October 2nd and 3rd. If you haven't yet made a donation, please donate or pledge today and Save Us a Call!
With a goal of $3.5M, every donation of any amount is appreciated. LAEF strives for 100% participation from all of our families.
• Read the full scoop on how your child will benefit from LAEF this school year.
• Watch a 2-minute video and find out why our public schools need your financial support.
Sign up to help with the Phonathon at LAEFonline.org and help us raise over $500,000. It’s a fantastic opportunity to build community spirit and educate families about the teachers and staff that LAEF is funding at your school this year.