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This month’s ABC book: “Simon’s Hook” by Karen Burnett is a colorful story that compares teases to fishing hooks and tells the tale of how the fish learned not to bite.
Goals of lesson:
- Help students feel empowered and in control of their responses to hurtful teases and put-downs.
- Have students learn and practice specific language and techniques to allow them to swim free.
Please ask your child about the 5 strategies that Simon’s neighbor, Grandma Rose, offers to help Simon avoid taking the bait:
1. Do little or nothing—don’t react!
2. Pretend to agree with the hook.
3. Change the subject to distract the bully.
4. Laugh at the hook and make a joke of it.
5. Stay away from the hooks and swim in another part of the sea.
As caring adults in the lives of youth, we can help develop and nurture skills to navigate the rough patches in life. Our ultimate goal is for youth to be able to handle these bumps and ruts on their own!
When you “catch” kids modeling positive behaviors...Notice, Name it, and Celebrate it!
2/22/25 5:51 AM