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November 12, 2018

LASD STEM and Math ISTs (Instructional Support Teachers), and LASD Art Docent leadership recently attended CA STEAM Symposium 2018, along with 3,000 STEAM educators from across California.  Recognized as a leader in STEAM education, our LASD team led five professional learning presentations to inspire high-quality Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math instruction for all California students. LAEF is proud to support LASD’s outstanding STEM ISTs and Art Docent Director. We congratulate you for your leadership at this important statewide symposium.  
Help fund Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math instruction at your school by donating to LAEF, or text your donation to LAEF at 50155. The suggested amount is $1,200 per student or $120/month. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
We are looking for additional LAEF Board representatives from Gardner BullisLearn more and consider this important opportunity to represent the students and families at your school.

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