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December 03, 2018

Your Donation Can be Doubled
We've raised $2.5 million so far, but still have $1 million to go to fund our grant to our school district this school year. Now is a great time to donate to LAEF because we have a new challenge match. Four generous anonymous donors will match every dollar donated before December 31st, up to a total of $30,000. Your donation can be doubled if you give now!

The suggested donation is $1,200 per student or $150/month, but donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.Donate online, or text "LAEF" to 50155 to donate.

Learn how your student is benefitting from LAEF this school year. 

LASD Winter Music Concerts 
We hope you'll enjoy the sounds of the season coming from our LASD Winter Music Concerts. Your contributions to LAEF make these concerts possible.
Elementary school concerts are at 1 pm in the school multi.
Almond - Monday, Dec 10
Gardner Bullis - Tuesday, Dec 11
Loyola - Wednesday, Dec 12
Covington - Monday, Dec 17
Springer - Tuesday, Dec 18
Santa Rita - Wednesday, Dec 19
Oak - Friday, Dec 21

Mountain View's very own artisan holiday market, ArtPop, is back for another year, in a new downtown location at 275 Castro Street. Locally made gifts for everyone on your list. Saturday, Dec. 8 is Shop for Our Schools Day, where artisans will donate 15% of sales to the three local school foundations–MVLA, LAEF and MVEF.  Support our schools by shopping on Dec 8.

LAEF • P.O. Box 98 • Los Altos, CA 94023 • Phone: (650) 559-0445

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