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Cornerstone Corner
This month’s ABC books: “Say Something” by Peggy Moss (grades 4-5), “The Tale of Sir Dragon” by Jean E. Pendziwol and Martine Gourbault (grades K-3) are powerful stories in which the narrator sees and hears teasing, put-downs, pushing, and other forms of bully behaviors. Because there is confusion about what to do, they don’t do anything at first. However, the responses change as they gain understanding and empathy.
Goals of lesson:
• To understand the role of UPstanders.
• UPstanders stand up to bully behaviors and advocate for targets.
• UPstanders know and practice tools that support peers in faceto-face situations as well as online in the digital world.
• To move all students from the passive role of bystander to the integrity-rich role of UPstander.
We hope you will talk with your child tonight about being an UPstander. To reinforce the message at home:
• Talk about ways that each family member is an UPstander at home!
• Role-play different scenarios to practice UPstander behaviors, words you can say, and actions to take if someone needs your help.
• Say or do something when someone needs help. Remember: Your Silence is Your Agreement!
When you “catch” kids modeling positive behaviors...Notice, Name it, and Celebrate it!
2/22/25 12:05 AM