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February 11, 2019

This month’s ABC book: “Mr. Peabody’s Apples” by Madonna is inspired by a 300 year old Ukrainian tale. The story is about a respected man who is a role model in his community. Once a rumor starts, he is quickly ostracized and excluded by both adults and children in his small town. The story cautions students to choose their words wisely so as not cause harm to others.
Goals of lesson:
· Identify qualities of good role models.
· Understand that each student can be a role model.
· Role model responsible ways to behave while online and in the real world.
· Demonstrate that everyone has the power to stop a rumor.
To reinforce this lesson at home:
· Remember that you are a role model in your home and community.
   Children watch everything you do and say.
· Remind your child the strategies discussed in class:
      o Refuse to listen when friends are gossiping.
      o Don’t repeat rumors or gossip to others.
      o Question the accuracy of the rumor.
      o Say something positive about the target of the rumor.
      o Tell a trusted adult and discuss the options.
Today, rumors and gossip are often spread beyond the bathroom walls and into the digital world, which makes it possible for rumors to spread even further and even more quickly. To learn how to help your kids navigate this online world, visit the website of Common Sense Media at

When you “catch” kids modeling positive behaviors... Notice, Name it, and Celebrate it!

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