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January 17, 2011


Use your imagination and learn to draw in 3-D!  Bring your children and join us for an evening with Mark Kistler, Emmy AwardWinning creator of Imagination Station on PBS.  This is an event for the whole family (all children must be upervised by an attending adult) and will be held on Tuesday, January, 25th from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Oak School Multippurpose Room, 1501 Oak Avernue, Los Altos. 
Reservations for admission must be purchased online in advance.  Space is limited, so sign up early!   $10/adult, $5/child, or $25/family.

You can pre-order his books and they will be distributed the night of the event so that they can be personally signed by Mark!  For more information, check out Mark's website


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