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January 19, 2011

Dear Gardner Bullis Parents and Friends,

Attached you will find the Gardner Bullis Code of Conduct, the Behavior Expectations and a copy of the Misconduct Report used at our school. Since the beginning of the year, and with the introduction of Project Cornerstone, we have experimented with a few different ways of approaching both positive and negative consequences. With the New Year comes a back to the basics approach.

Our hope is that by making our code of conduct and the consequences for inappropriate behavior as simple and clear as possible, our children will be more comfortable both inside and outside of the classroom. When a child feels safe and heard (s)he has a much easier time focusing in the classroom and will also be more free to really enjoy playground time as well.

While I recognize that there is a great deal of gray in children’s behavior, I feel it is very important to offer clear guidelines for teachers, staff, students, yard duty and parents. If we are all on the same page then we will have a clear point of departure when questions and concerns arise.

We can all agree that we want our children to feel safe. We can also hopefully agree that consistent follow-through with both positive and negative consequence can help our children feel safe. Knowing what is expected of them by setting clear boundaries regarding behavior ensures that the children can focus more on playing and learning than on fear or aggression.

I encourage you to read through these documents, discuss them with your child(ren) and perhaps even hang them in a visible place in your home. Thank you for supporting our attempt to make Gardner Bullis School a nurturing and stimulating environment for all of our children.


Erica Gilbert, 


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