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October 03, 2016

Remember your School Supplies and Field Trip Donations

If you didn't get your field trip and school supplies donations made at Back to School Night, please give them to your classroom teacher. Please make two separate checks out to “Gardner Bullis School” and include your child's name and grade on each check. School supply donation is $40 per child. Field trip donations are $50 per child for all grades, except for 4th ($350 — includes Coloma overnight) and 6th ($325.)  We need to get these in. Please see Cathy Voelker in the office if you need assistance with these payments.


Excused Absences for Religious Holidays


Observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113).


Medication at School


If you need to find medication forms, please follow:  LASD Los Altos School District website  Go to “Parents & Community” —> “Health Services" —> "Medication at school" A link to this page is also on the Gardner Bullis School website in the top menu called "About Us" -> "Medication at School".



October 5th is International Walk to School day!

If you are able and willing, please join us on October 5th for International Walk to School day.  There will be three walking buses you can join, so no one has to walk alone. Meet at 8:00am at one of the following starting places or feel free to join along the way.

* Los Altos Hill Town Hall

* Intersection of Elena and Robleda Roads

* Lincoln Park at University and Edith

We'd like to have as many volunteers as we can to help cross streets, stay out of the roads, and help escort the buses, so if you'd like to help out please contact Warren Yang.  


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