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October 31, 2016

Keeping Kids Safe Online

Presented by Loyola's Project Cornerstone Digital Citizenship Program

Date: Wednesday November 9 at 7:00 PM

Location: Loyola Elementary School - Multi Purpose Room, 770 Berry Avenue, Los Altos

Register at eventbrite

An evening of parent education with Police Agent Ryan Langone of the Los Altos Police Department. The presentation will cover:  How kids interact with technology; How to keep kids safe and responsible Digital reputation; Kids as publishers; What devices kids use and their uses for them; Online bullying and sexting. The presentation will be approximately one hour long followed by Q&A. Adults only.


MVLA Parent Education Series: Life Reimagined: Redrawing the Map for our Health, Relationships, and Future presented by Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Date: November 9, 2016 at 7:00pm

Location: Los Altos High School Eagle Theater, 201 Almond Avenue, Los Altos

Admission is FREE. Reserve a seat at eventbrite.

“As our children grow up and become increasingly independent, it may be time to renegotiate our purpose, refocus our relationships, and transform the way we think about the world and ourselves.  Drawing from emerging information in neurology, psychology, biology, genetics, and sociology, Ms. Hagerty plots a new course forward in our understanding of our health, our relationships, even our futures. She will provoke us into thinking about renewal and giving new meaning to our lives through fresh possibilities, intentions, and joys.”

Event flyer


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