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March 12, 2017

$20K Matching Challenge Met!

Did you notice the growing arrow on the LAEF sign in front of our school? LAEF is pleased to announce that we just reached the $3.3M mark in donations! Thank you to the 57 families who contributed $24,774 to meet our $20,000 Matching Grant. With $386,690 to go to reach $3.7M, every dollar counts. That’s why we’re counting on another 224 families to donate at

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

It's time to plant tomatoes, dissect flowers, explore the plants used by the Ancient Civilizations, and harvest and make yummy pretzels from the winter wheat the students planted last Fall!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent!  Living Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District.  No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed! 

Our Spring Docent Training will take place Monday mornings in March from 9 - Noon on 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 and 3/27. Please click HERE to view our Spring Training Flyer which lists the locations of each of our trainings.  Apprentice-style training also available to those who can’t make our Monday morning trainings.

Questions?  Email us at or call (650) 947-1103.  For more information about Living Classroom, please visit our website at

LAEF • P.O. Box 98 • Los Altos, CA 94023 • Phone: (650) 559-0445


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