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September 03, 2017

Reminder: Fill out the PTA Back to School Forms!

Please complete the PTA Back to School Forms, which we ask every family to submit to help the PTA prepare for the school year. In the forms you will find out about how to join the PTA, school volunteer opportunities, ordering Gardner Spirit Wear, joining the Library Birthday Book club, school directories, school supplies, field trips, and more.

WOW! Walk or Wheel

One of the BEST things about going to Gardner Bullis, is the stunning scenery and amazing footpaths that surround our unique school campus.

If you think you could try to WALK to school, or jump on your BIKES, or even CARPOOL, then the WOW program will reward you for your efforts.

Every month, GB kids can fill in a very simple form – just click ‘Trip Trackers’ on the website – and say how they got to school.

Forms are handed in to the office and for each and every 50 trips you make, you get a prize AND you will be recognized at Friday assembly.

Do more than 250 trips in a year? Then big prizes are awarded in May.

Do something for yourself, your health or simply the planet and give WOW a try.

Hot Lunch volunteers needed!!

The hot lunch team desperately needs more volunteers!  If your child loves pizza on Friday, or if YOU love not having to pack lunches, please be aware that the GB hot lunch program is in danger of being eliminated because we do not have enough parents to staff it.

Volunteer with friends! We are in need of the following:

1) 3 volunteers for every other Tuesday

2) 1 volunteer for every other Wednesday

3) 1 volunteer for every other Thursday

4) 2 volunteers for every other Friday

Please contact Camilla ( to help ensure our lunch program can continue.

 Thank you Grizzly Parents,

-GB Lunch Team

Volunteer positions available

Whether you’re new or returning to Gardner, the PTA could use your help in filling open positions like Gardner Wear, Hospitality, Walk or Wheel and Staff Appreciation (just to name a few). You can also help on a committee such as Walk-a-Thon, Junior Olympics, or Auction.

If interested in anything or have specific questions about a position, contact Stephanie Dauer.

Update from After School Programs

The complete After School Programs schedule at Gardner Bullis is posted to the website. Please take a moment to look at the wonderful classes offered

Livingspanish after school program is still accepting students for kinder, 1-2 grade and 3-6 grade classes. Our Spanish after school lessons are filled with music, stories, games, crafts, movement, repetition, and a lot of fun! Conversationally focused, creative, interactive, and super effective!

Starting date: Thursday, Sept 7th(all classes are on Thursdays

Time: Kinder: 1:15 pm -2:15 pm

                      1-2nd grade: 1:25 - 2:15 pm

                      3-6th grade: 2:50 - 3:50 pm

Location:  Classroom 11

Pilates After School is coming to Gardner Bullis this Fall! First class is next Thursday (Sept 7)! Kids learn basic anatomy, body alignment with respect to gravity, Pilates moves and lots of fun movement games in our class. Each class wraps up with a short meditation, allowing students to calm and sense their body in space. Please see testimonials here.

Dates: Thursdays (early release day) Sept 7 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 19, minimum day)

Time: 1:45-2:45pm (Grades 1-2 students will be supervised 1:25-1:45pm)

Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)

Please go to register.

We need at least 5 kiddos to run a fun and engaging class. We're excited to get a good class going at Gardner Bullis this Fall! Hope to see your child in our class.

Reminder: Fill out the PTA Back to School Forms!

Please complete the PTA Back to School Forms, which we ask every family to submit to help the PTA prepare for the school year. In the forms you will find out about how to join the PTA, school volunteer opportunities, ordering Gardner Spirit Wear, joining the Library Birthday Book club, school directories, school supplies, field trips, and more.

WOW! Walk or Wheel

One of the BEST things about going to Gardner Bullis, is the stunning scenery and amazing footpaths that surround our unique school campus.

If you think you could try to WALK to school, or jump on your BIKES, or even CARPOOL, then the WOW program will reward you for your efforts.

Every month, GB kids can fill in a very simple form – just click ‘Trip Trackers’ on the website – and say how they got to school.

Forms are handed in to the office and for each and every 50 trips you make, you get a prize AND you will be recognized at Friday assembly.

Do more than 250 trips in a year? Then big prizes are awarded in May.

Do something for yourself, your health or simply the planet and give WOW a try.

Hot Lunch volunteers needed!!

The hot lunch team desperately needs more volunteers!  If your child loves pizza on Friday, or if YOU love not having to pack lunches, please be aware that the GB hot lunch program is in danger of being eliminated because we do not have enough parents to staff it.

Volunteer with friends! We are in need of the following:

1) 3 volunteers for every other Tuesday

2) 1 volunteer for every other Wednesday

3) 1 volunteer for every other Thursday

4) 2 volunteers for every other Friday

Please contact Camilla ( to help ensure our lunch program can continue.

 Thank you Grizzly Parents,

-GB Lunch Team

Volunteer positions available

Whether you’re new or returning to Gardner, the PTA could use your help in filling open positions like Gardner Wear, Hospitality, Walk or Wheel and Staff Appreciation (just to name a few). You can also help on a committee such as Walk-a-Thon, Junior Olympics, or Auction.

If interested in anything or have specific questions about a position, contact Stephanie Dauer.

Update from After School Programs

The complete After School Programs schedule at Gardner Bullis is posted to the website. Please take a moment to look at the wonderful classes offered

Livingspanish after school program is still accepting students for kinder, 1-2 grade and 3-6 grade classes. Our Spanish after school lessons are filled with music, stories, games, crafts, movement, repetition, and a lot of fun! Conversationally focused, creative, interactive, and super effective!

Starting date: Thursday, Sept 7th(all classes are on Thursdays

Time: Kinder: 1:15 pm -2:15 pm

                      1-2nd grade: 1:25 - 2:15 pm

                      3-6th grade: 2:50 - 3:50 pm

Location:  Classroom 11

Pilates After School is coming to Gardner Bullis this Fall! First class is next Thursday (Sept 7)! Kids learn basic anatomy, body alignment with respect to gravity, Pilates moves and lots of fun movement games in our class. Each class wraps up with a short meditation, allowing students to calm and sense their body in space. Please see testimonials here.

Dates: Thursdays (early release day) Sept 7 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 19, minimum day)

Time: 1:45-2:45pm (Grades 1-2 students will be supervised 1:25-1:45pm)

Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)

Please go to register.

We need at least 5 kiddos to run a fun and engaging class. We're excited to get a good class going at Gardner Bullis this Fall! Hope to see your child in our class.

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