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ATTENDANCE #: 650-559-3232 PLEASE CALL ATTENDANCE LINE 24/7 for student’s missing school due to illness, appointment, and trips. Regular school attendance is one of the most critical factors in a child’s success in school and is one of the hallmarks of an effective school. Please support the efforts of Gardner Bullis staff to provide your child with the best possible education by having your child at school and on time daily. Excused absences are granted for medical or dental appointments, illness, and religious holidays only. PLEASE bring a note from the medical provider upon your child’s arrival back at school, that your student was seen in their office. |
Excused Absences for Religious Holidays Just an annual reminder that observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113). |
SELFY – Social Emotional Learning at Lunch We have created this lunch program to take Project Cornerstone, Second Step, and the new LCAP goals to a new implementation level outside the structured classroom. Currently students are learning social and emotional competencies and skills in the classroom. This program is designed to facilitate their reinforcement and generalization during the unstructured times of day when children often interact. If you'd like to help out and donate games to this cause you can either make check out to Gardner Bullis PTA, bring to the office and put in the Field Day box. Or you can purchase a game yourself - just ask kids what they like (assuming it's appropriate) and bring it to Gardner. Please give to office and label as SELFY lunch program. We will have a training for SELFY if you are volunteering. It is Sept 27th from 3:15-4:15 at Gardner. If you'd like to volunteer please sign up here. It will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays 12-12:45pm beginning Oct 2nd. -Amanda Boschken |
3/13/25 4:19 PM