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December 11, 2017

Season’s Readings… Chill out With a Good Book!

Season’s Readings… Chill Out With A Good Book! at the Gardner Bullis Elementary School 2017 Book Fair December 12th -15th.  Please join us for these events:

Tuesday: Students visit during the school day & make wish lists with class.  Opening afternoon:  2:15 - 3:45.

Wednesday:  Give Back Day!  Students will have an opportunity to purchase books to donate for families in need.  Also, Party in the Snow with Mrs. O! 6 - 8:00 pm. Treats will be provided.

Thursday:  Raffle Day!  All those purchasing books will receive one raffle ticket and the chance to win prizes!

Friday: Book-talk with Freya Hooper of, after morning assembly. Come hear about engaging reluctant readers, new titles from early readers to young adult.

Book Fair Hours: Wednesday & Friday: 8:00-9:30 am, 11:30am-1:00 pm, 2:15-3:45 pm. Thursday: 8:00-9:30 am, 11:30am-1:00 pm, 1:45 - 3:15 pm.  Additional times noted above.

Volunteers Needed!  Go to 2017 Gardner Bullis Book Fair!

*Please bring your own bag.*

GB Boutique is tomorrow!!

Our Annual GB Boutique is coming on Monday December 11 from 2-4:30pm.  All Grizzlies, Parents, Family and Friends are invited to shop our unique boutique!  We have over 15 vendors this year, many of them GB parents!  They are offering a variety of holiday gift items including: Safer and healthier beauty products by BeautyCounter, Clothes and Accessories from Gitane, Jewelry by Threads Worldwide, Olive Oil from Hidden Villa and Jams by Jam for Good, as well as paper sculptures and gift boxes, books, children's clothing, cookies and treats and a chance to buy Gardner Wear for that special Grizzly. Please join us in the Multi for some holiday cheer while you shop and support our school.  10% of the proceeds will go to our PTA.  Hope to see you there!!


Annie Schmidt

Gardner Boutique Chair

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