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March 12, 2018

Hello All,

Report cards will be available tomorrow- Monday the 12th.  Please log in to Power School to see your child’s progress. The teachers have worked hard to assess your students on multiple standards and to share comments with you on their growth.  If you have any questions or difficulty logging in, please let us know. 

Thursday is a minimum day and the PTA has a special Third Thursday planned starting right at 12:30 in the multi.  Stay to play BINGO and eat pizza!  Students must come to the Third Thursday with an adult.  Any student who does not have an adult with them will have to go to the office to wait for pick up.   As always, thank you to the PTA and all they do to make GB such a fun place to be.

Sunny the turtle is finally awake, and at my house that officially means spring is here! That is happiness. 

Have a wonderful Sunday evening,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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