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November 02, 2021
The staff and I wish you and your family a wonderful February break. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, February 24th.Nadia OskolkoffGraphic Novelist, Judd Winick Will Visit Gardner Bullis!We will welcome Judd Winick to talk to our 2nd-6th graders about what it is like to be an author and talk about this very exciting series. The author is also going to reveal his 6th book in the series to the students! Below is a description of the books and link to pre-order signed copies:For five b...

February 05, 2021
Hello Gardner Community!I hope you all had a chance to read Superintendent Baier’s email regarding the last portion of our school year. As he mentioned, “the final eight days of the school year, from June 1-10, will include end-of-year celebrations, professional development, planning time, returning and receiving student materials, and packing up classrooms for summer.” This means the last day of teacher-directed instruction is Friday, May 29th. During the eight days ...

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