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February 10, 2020
As promised, our much anticipated Kindness Week is here! Please see below for our daily theme and spirit days!Monday Theme: Kindness is Team Gardner... “Join Team Kindness” Lunch Activity: Pick up Kind Acts Challenge Sheet and spread kind words Spirit Day: Gardner Wear Daily Quote: “When words are both true and kind they can change our world.” (Buddha)Tuesday Theme: Kindness is Action… “Spread Kindness Like Sunshine” Lunch Activity: Card makin...

February 03, 2020
Thank you to all of the parents who helped make Monday’s Bake Sale a success. A special thank you to Ali G. and her crew for organizing everyone and making this event happen. Below is a message from Student Leadership:We would like to thank all of the families that contributed baked goods to Monday's Multicultural Fair Bake Sale! With the community's support, Gardner Bullis donated $616.74 to the Malala Fund to support disadvantaged girls in Pakistan, Syria region, Afghanistan, Bra...

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