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September 16, 2019
Happy Friday!THANK YOU to Ali G and her daughter Etta, AND the entire crew for hosting and organizing such a successful bake sale this week! You will be happy to know that we raised over $1,000! The funds will go towards our dinner kits for the Rise Against Hunger event next Thursday evening. This is a very good feeling and a perfect example of caring and giving back and would not have been possible without the help of you either in the form of baked goods or donations. We look forward to seeing...

September 07, 2019
Good afternoon!Thank you ALL for a very productive Back to School Night last night! We had a full house with important information shared by teachers, PTA, LAEF, and the principal. If you were unable to attend, please reach out to your child’s teacher so that you have the information needed for a successful school year. I am also happy to meet with you to go over the large group presentation or answer any questions you may have.Junior OlympicsGardner Bullis is looking for three or four Par...

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