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Happy Friday!
THANK YOU to Ali G and her daughter Etta, AND the entire crew for hosting and organizing such a successful bake sale this week! You will be happy to know that we raised over $1,000! The funds will go towards our dinner kits for the Rise Against Hunger event next Thursday evening. This is a very good feeling and a perfect example of caring and giving back and would not have been possible without the help of you either in the form of baked goods or donations. We look forward to seeing your family next Thursday at 5:00 pm in the multi to package dinner kits for the homeless.
This Month’s Character Trait: Caring and Giving
When you are caring and giving, you are being kind, thoughtful, and concerned about others while sharing with them and without expecting something in return. As Grizzlies, we want to be caring and giving to everyone at our school but also in our communities.
Thanks to the support of our PTA, 20 staff and parents were CPR/First-aid certified last Saturday. The class was 4-hours long and was held right here on campus. If feels good to know that more than 20 of us are now are certified to “save a life” or assist in a medical emergency.
Site Council Parents Needed!
We need two or three new parent-representatives to sit on our School Site Council (SSC) this year. We meet three to four times a year after school for roughly 1.5 hours. Below is a brief summary of the purpose of our SSC. If you are interested in this role, please have another parent email me to nominate you. If we get more than three parents nominated, we will hold a vote. Please nominate a parent by the end of September so that we can hold our first meeting of the year in October. Currently, Helen K is on the SSC and could possibly answer any questions you may have.
Our work includes creating and updating school goals that are aligned with the LEA plan in order to maximize school efforts.
Our school goals are based on verifiable data analysis.
Our work focuses on student achievement, academic interventions, and the culture of the school.
Our work ensures that all resources are aligned to serve identified students’ needs.
Our work builds on the premise that ALL students are capable of learning with effective instruction.
Parents, staff, principal, and our school site ELAC (English Language Acquisition Committee) representatives work together as a collaborative team.
Ms. O’s Top 10 Reasons to be a Lunch Duty Supervisor:
10. You get to be a part of the GB community.
9. You get to watch children play and that puts a smile on anyone’s face.
8. You get to say “hello” to your own child.
7. You may learn about yard games that you did not know about.
6. You only have to “work” 45 minutes a day.
5. You can work one day a week or up to 5 days a week.
4. When it rains, you get to wear your cute rubber boots.
3. You get to wear a bright orange vest.
2. You get to carry and use a walkie-talkie.
AND Ms. O’s #1 REASON TO BE A YARD DUTY SUPERVISOR: You will have the most beautiful sun-tanned nose.
If you would like to join our lunch duty team, please email me at
SEL @ Gardner
Below is a graphic organizer that Margaret P., Mona A., and I shared with parents at the Coffee this morning. This organizer shows how, in partnership with Project Cornerstone, we focus not only on rigorous academics but also, the social-emotional health of our students. Please look it over and know that more information will be shared about the SEL plan at Gardner.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
Nadia Oskolkoff
Follow us @GardnerGrizzly
3/9/25 2:38 PM