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January 28, 2019
Attention GB Community!From now through February 5th (the 100th day of school), we are collecting brand new socks to donate to Bay Area homeless shelters.  Kindergarten through 2nd-grade classrooms have made it a goal to collect 100 pairs of socks PER CLASSROOM and 3rd-6th graders will deposit their socks in a donation box located in the foyer of the multipurpose room.  As a school, we have challenged ourselves to collect at least 1,000 pairs of socks!  That is 10 x...

January 25, 2019
Happy Sunday GB!I do hope this email finds you and yours bundled up, warm, and relaxed.  Tomorrow, there is no school, so that our country can honor and remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his accomplishments in the Civil Rights Movement.  If you would like to have conversations about MLK, the National Geographic for Kids has a nice website with child-friendly articles and photos.  NO SCHOOL ON TUESDAYThere will be NO school on Tuesday, so our teachers can come ...

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