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October 15, 2018
Hello GB Community,Saturday’s “Hang 10” Walk-a-Thon was totally tubular, dude!  A huge THANK YOU to Erin Hautop and her committee members: Aileen Breslow; Susan Lee; Tara Roussel; Laura Schmidt; Sara Hurst; Kei Worry; Courtney Carulli; and Anat Gottesman.  Their dedication and hard work paid off and hundreds of us celebrated yet another exciting WOT event. The dad’s flash mob was one of the best yet!  Follow @GardnerGrizzly and you can view the vi...

October 08, 2018
Hello GB Community,For the last couple of years, we have supported many different organizations with one of them being the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health.  Through our annual Heavenly Hat Parade and BookQuest, we have donated hundreds of dollars.  Here is a link to Lucile Packard’s website thanking our school for that support!  We could not support the organizations that we do without the giving spirit of everyone in our community. Thank you to th...

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