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October 01, 2018
Hello GB Community,Last Friday, we held our first PTA General Meeting of the school year.  The 2018-19 budget was approved and I cannot express enough how much the GB staff appreciates the parent community and their support for our students. Superintendent Baier joined us and shared how successful the opening of the LASD school year has been and gave parents an update on the 10th school site.  Our STEM and Literacy Coach, Mrs. Schroeder, modeled a Writer’s Workshop mini less...

September 24, 2018
Hello GB community,On Friday, students did not have school but the teachers and administrators across this district definitely went to “school.”  Together, site teams and district-wide grade-level teams continued to dive deep into our understanding of how to engage, challenge, and support all students.  We learned about literacy, assessments, using choice words, Next Generation Science Standards, how to give good feedback, language in math, and so much more.  Teachers ...

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