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May 20, 2018
Happy Sunday, GB Community,As we begin to wrap up the school year, please see below. Volunteer BreakfastPlease join us on Wednesday, May 23rd for breakfast treats and coffee as well as an opportunity to relax with your fellow Gardner volunteers.  The staff and I appreciate all that you do for our school community and this is one way we can shower you with that appreciation.  Join us in the multi from 8:00-8:30 am for breakfast and then at 8:30 for our 2nd annual student performanc...

May 13, 2018
Happy Mother’s Day to all!  I hope you enjoyed your Sunday and were pampered and loved.  My family took me on a beautiful hike with sandwiches in the backpack and I could not have asked for anything more. It was the perfect day.  Thank You!We felt so loved and appreciated last week!  The breakfast treats, door signs, love notes, flowers, lunch, and massages were the best!  Thank you to the parents and community for all you did to make Appreciation Week so special.&...

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