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January 08, 2017
Hello Gardner Parents, Thank you for completing the communication and website/logo surveys.  Your input on both topics was valuable and helpful.  I will discuss the results of the communication survey at the next PTA meeting (January 26that 8:30) and the results for the website/logo shows us that the bear logo with the ribbon was the big winner!  Stay tuned to see our new website very soon.    Happy New Year As we ente...

January 01, 2017
Happy New Year!   The Gardner staff and I look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday, January 3rd.  I hope you all had a wonderful Winter Break and are rested-ready-to-go!  I can’t wait to see the students again and hear all about their holiday vacation.  As we get settled into our routine again more information about the weeks to come will follow. Thank you, Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal  

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