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May 15, 2017
Hello Gardner Families, Happiness is staff appreciation week at GB!  A huge THANK YOU to Dee Suppes and her Staff Appreciation Week crew!  From the mouth-watering goodies to the thoughtful gifts and notes, and to the massages we all felt very appreciated.  Thank you so very much. Also, thank you to the kindergarten and 6th grade parents for the delicious lunch on Friday!  You topped the amazing week off with deliciousness!  ...

May 08, 2017
Hello Gardner families, I love this time of year because so many fun events happen and we get to celebrate those around us who work so hard.  For example, a big congratulation goes to our very own Mr. Humberto for being Gardner’s support staff Employee of the Year!  We appreciate and love him so much and could not be more proud.  Everyday he ensures this campus is ready for learning and he most certainly deserves this special recognitio...

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