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October 04, 2017
Hello Gardner Families, It is with great Joy that I introduce to you the latest TWO additions to the Grizzly family.  Vicki Lombardi recently had her twins-Lucas and Tyler-and the “Lombardi Clan” is doing very well and resting at home.  The staff is so happy for them and looks forward to meeting these two little guys.Student Council UpdateThis week we went through Rounds 1 and 2 of our Student Council elections and had 26 students participate in the application and intervie...

September 25, 2017
Hello GB Families,Thank you to the all of the parent volunteers who helped make our PTA-sponsored Third Thursday event so successful.  A special thank you to Camilla G. for her delicious “Taste the Rainbow” activity exposing students to all kinds of yummy colorful vegetables, Elizabeth D. for organizing and inspiring our young artists to paint tiles for our mural, and Susan E. for organizing the evening.    GB teachers pride themselves of being life-long learners ...

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