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September 25, 2017

Hello GB Families,

Thank you to the all of the parent volunteers who helped make our PTA-sponsored Third Thursday event so successful.  A special thank you to Camilla G. for her delicious “Taste the Rainbow” activity exposing students to all kinds of yummy colorful vegetables, Elizabeth D. for organizing and inspiring our young artists to paint tiles for our mural, and Susan E. for organizing the evening.    

GB teachers pride themselves of being life-long learners and Friday was a very exciting day filled with multiple learning opportunities.  Teachers participated in the studies of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Integrated English Language Development (ELD), Reader’s Workshop Conferring, Novel Engineering, Social-Emotion Health, and/or Close Reads.  All of the material and learning the teachers absorbed on Friday is immediately transferable to the classroom and student achievement.  The GB teachers are very thankful for our district’s Curriculum and Instruction Department who planed and facilitated the day. 

Together we have raised just over $1,300 for the Hurricane victims including classrooms, families, and animals.  Most recently, our GB community also adopted 7 classrooms of a school in Houston that was terribly impacted by the hurricane.  To make donations to the Longfellow Elementary School please visit their Amazon wish list here.   Also, coming soon on a Friday after school:  a tamale and shaved ice fundraise for the Mexico City earthquake victims.

The Gardner Bullis community is one of the most generous and giving communities I know.  The staff and I thank you in advance for partnering with us in these endeavors to help others in need. 

Our 2017-18 Student Council Rounds are up and running!  4th-6th grade students had the opportunity to apply to a number of positions and next week interviews will begin. This year our goal is to involve more students in the Student Council and give all students a voice.  Please be on the look out for updates to come. 

In partnership,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

Grizzlies are Kind, Safe, Respectful, and Do their Best

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