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February 12, 2018
Hello GB families, Below are our new and updated school-wide goals as created and agreed upon by our School Site Council.   As a reminder, the School Site Council includes parent representatives, English Language Learner parent representative, support staff, teachers, and the principal.  Together we crafted the goals and strategies and shared them with the rest of the staff for any final comments or thoughts.  Updated 2017-18 ELA GoalThrough a learning environment that promot...

February 05, 2018
February is a busy month when Gardner will be celebrating Black History Month and Random Acts of Kindness.  Similar to last year and throughout the month, posters of African Americans who have made an impact in our country as civil leaders will be hidden around campus.  Students are encouraged to keep their eye out for the posters as they pop up and read about these amazing figures and then share those interesting facts with each other, family members at home, or me during recess. This...

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