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February 12, 2018

Hello GB families,

Below are our new and updated school-wide goals as created and agreed upon by our School Site Council.   As a reminder, the School Site Council includes parent representatives, English Language Learner parent representative, support staff, teachers, and the principal.  Together we crafted the goals and strategies and shared them with the rest of the staff for any final comments or thoughts. 

Updated 2017-18 ELA Goal

Through a learning environment that promotes growth mindset, discourse, and student accountability, students will engage in personalized and balanced literacy instruction that meets their individual needs as evidence by: (STRATEGIES)

...teachers collaborate during PLC times to share best teaching practices and in order to support student progress towards literacy goals and standards.  Teachers also use small group instruction to give students personalized learning.  Observation and assessment data will be used to determine each student’s individual needs.  All literacy assessments will also be used to determine students’ reading level and encourage students to read at their independent level.  Teachers develop a partnership with parents and communicate specific feedback constantly and especially with families of English Language Learners.  

Updated 2017-18 Math Goal

Through a learning environment that promotes growth mindset, discourse, and student accountability, students will advance towards math grade-level standards and beyond as evidence by:  (STRATEGIES)

...teachers collaborate during PLC times to share best teaching practices and in order to support student progress towards math practices and standards.  Teachers also use small group instruction, academic discourse, and integrated technology to deepen understanding of math concepts including working on problem solving, computation, and real world application of skills.

Updated 2017-18 Student Engagement Goal

Through an engaged learning environment that promotes a growth mindset and discourse, students will have opportunities for rigorous goal setting that will stretch learning and hold them accountable for their learning as evidenced by: (STRATEGIES)

...student written goals, reflection, revision, discussion, surveys, teacher’s analysis and parent communication.  Types of goals that will be considered are individual goals, class goals, trimester goals, project-based learning goals, and/or table goals.  Student ownership of their learning goals will be reflective in the practice and use of accountable talk and evidence-based reasoning.  Students are encouraged to participate in student-led parent-teacher conferences.  Recognition for students takes place via Grizzly Greatness awards during Friday assembly.   

Valentine 6th Grade Café (And student Council flower grams!)

The Annual Sixth Grade Cafe will be open for business on Wednesday, February 14th at 7:45! The Sixth Graders are working hard to raise money for the traditional class gift to the school and to experience a little bit of the “business experience”.  Please join them for delicious breakfast items as well as juice, coffee, or hot chocolate. 

The Student Council will also be selling flower grams that will be delivered to students later on in the morning.  All proceeds go back to the Student Council to support up-coming events and giveback fundraisers. 

Parking Lot Update

As you may have noticed some of the fencing has been removed.  We are not 100% done but we are very close.  We ask that you continue to use your placards on the dashboard for easy drive thru pick up for those parents not parking and walking into the school.  We will also continue to have 6th graders help in the morning for drop off.  The 6th graders have been amazing and the staff and I are very proud of how kind and helpful they have been. More to come on the parking lot as new information comes in.  Thank you again to all of the parents who helped us during this project and to all of you for your patience.  

I also thank the staff for their patience and cooperation.

Thank you and have a wonderful week,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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