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August 19, 2018
Hello Gardner Bullis Community! As promised, here is your first Bear Tracks of the 2018-19 school year!  The weekly Bear Tracks is put together by a few awesome parents (namely Kristy R!) and staff and is plum full of excellent information about the weeks ahead or events that we just held. Please take the time to read it each week and if you still have further questions, feel free to call our office or reach out to PTA. Happy Summer! I do hope you and your family had an amazi...

August 16, 2018
Hello Gardner Families,As your principal, I would like to warmly welcome you to the 2018-19 school year!  I am writing a brief email today to introduce a few new staff members and to inform you that class placement letters will go out on Friday, August 17th.  This letter will let you know which teacher your child will be spending quality time with this school year. J  Your first Bear Track email will arrive on Sunday, August 19th so please look for that, as it ...

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