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September 16, 2018
Hello GB Community,During Friday’s Coffee, a group of parents and I discussed what it was like for us to be readers and writers when we were children.  We reflected and collectively realized our experiences were different from what our students at GB are experiencing now.  Considering our families come from many different countries and backgrounds, it was fascinating to listen to each other.  Some of us loved reading as children and young adults and that has continued into o...

September 09, 2018
Happy 10-Year Anniversary Gardner Bullis!  Yesterday was a very proud moment for the entire community of GB.  All of the specialness that we felt, delicious food that we ate, and reunions we experienced were because of Jennifer Carlstrom and her team.  She passionately created a day for us all to remember for years to come and we thank her and her equally as passionate team of parent volunteers!  If you were unable to attend, please stop by the office to see the proclamations...

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