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September 16, 2018

Hello GB Community,

During Friday’s Coffee, a group of parents and I discussed what it was like for us to be readers and writers when we were children.  We reflected and collectively realized our experiences were different from what our students at GB are experiencing now.  Considering our families come from many different countries and backgrounds, it was fascinating to listen to each other.  Some of us loved reading as children and young adults and that has continued into our adulthood.  Some of us used reading as an escape finding comfort from the stories we read.  A couple of us did not enjoy reading so much and only read to learn.  We talked about our parents and cultures and the influence they had on how we viewed reading AND writing. 

It did not have to be explicitly pointed out that reading and writing are connected…our discussion naturally led to that conclusion.  Writing and reading are indeed connected.

While our backgrounds and experiences are different, one thing was clear:  we all very much respect and appreciate the balanced literacy program that is happening for GB students.  To learn more about the balanced literacy program, and in particular, our Writer’s Workshop, join us September 28thduring our PTA meeting when Mrs. Schroeder will give a presentation on the good work happening in ALL classrooms.

Bike and Walking Safety

Parents, please talk to your students about the safety needed when walking or riding their bikes to school.  There have been reports of students not riding their bikes on the sidewalk near Freemont and Manula and even cutting the corner putting them dangerously on the road.  We will address this more with students through our WoW (Walk or Wheel) program. 

 Grizzly Gracelets

We have started a new program at GB thanks to 6th grader-David F who came up with the plan.  On Friday, several colored bracelets with words such as “AWESOME,” “YOU ROCK,” or “YOU’RE AMAZING” were passed out to students who showed kindness, empathy, or caring & giving back (our current character trait). The idea is not for the students to keep the bracelet, but to proudly wear it for a while and then pass it on when they see another student also showing kindness or a character trait we are learning about.   We love the idea of students recognizing and honoring each other in the spirit of Grizzlies Do Their Best!  J

I wish you all a fantastic week,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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