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September 09, 2018

Happy 10-Year Anniversary Gardner Bullis!  Yesterday was a very proud moment for the entire community of GB.  All of the specialness that we felt, delicious food that we ate, and reunions we experienced were because of Jennifer Carlstrom and her team.  She passionately created a day for us all to remember for years to come and we thank her and her equally as passionate team of parent volunteers!  If you were unable to attend, please stop by the office to see the proclamations issued by the Mayors of Los Altos and Los Altos Hills and our photo frame of fun photos!

Coffee with the Principal

Please join me on Friday, September 14th for our first coffee of the school year.  We will talk about what kind of readers and writers we were growing up as students vs. what kind of readers and writers we are today as adults and how that relates to what your students are experiencing in their classrooms.  I also want to have time for an open discussion about topics of your choice or address questions you may have.  We will meet right after the Friday assembly in the staff lounge, which is the portable next to the office. 

Campus Closed During School Hours

The campus is closed and remains a quiet learning environment until the last school bell at 3:00 pm.  This means that the large playground is not open for K-2nd students to play on at their earlier dismissal.  We ask that students and families wait by the picnic tables for older siblings to be released.  Students are also not allowed to play on the playground equipment without adult supervision.  K-2nd grade families may enter the kindergarten playground as long as students are with a parent or guardian.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 

Girls on the Run

We are looking for parent volunteers to be assistant coaches for the Girls on the Run program! This is an amazing program for girls in 4-6th grade, but we are in need of parents to volunteer to be able to run this program at Gardner Bullis this year. If you’re interested, please reach out to Mrs. Leinenbach ( for more information. There is an info night coming up this week on September 12 in Sunnyvale.

I wish you a happy and productive week,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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