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April 16, 2017
Welcome back Gardner Families! I look forward to seeing the students again and hearing all about their spring break.  I had a wonderful week off spending time with my family and dog Millie, but it does feel good to be back and the staff and I welcome you.  From this point on, time is going to go by so fast as we have so many end-of-the-year activities planned- so hang on and let’s go!  Third Thursday, April 20th: Family Community Ser...

April 04, 2017
Havana Nights Auction What a wonderful evening we all had Saturday night!  Please join the Gardner staff and I in thanking Monique Rodgers and her Auction Committee (Susan Lee, Elaine Wang, Beth Cala, Amanda Boschken, Divya Vilmaki, Aileen Breslow, Laura Schmidt, Lorena Denny, Gloria Chung, Jennifer Carlstrom, Seema Mehta, and Audrey Lund) who clearly worked very hard preparing for this event.  Also, the auction would not have happened without the...

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