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Hello Gardner Parents, Thank you for completing the communication and website/logo surveys. Your input on both topics was valuable and helpful. I will discuss the results of the communication survey at the next PTA meeting (January 26that 8:30) and the results for the website/logo shows us that the bear logo with the ribbon was the big winner! Stay tuned to see our new website very soon.
Happy New Year As we enter the 2017 New Year with new and improved ways to think about and approach life, Shawn Achor’s 4th principle “Falling Up” is a perfect chapter to read in the month of January. For one, he tells us: “Study after study shows that if we are able to conceive of a failure as an opportunity for growth, we are all the more likely to experience that growth” (p. 109). I love this idea of thinking about a hard situation we have to work though or an experience where we were not as successful as we had hoped for and turning into something positive such as an opportunity for growth. I also love the idea of teaching our students this concept and sharing with them a time when we as adults experienced “falling up.” Join me in the month of January to read Chapter 4 of The Happiness Advantage.
This Week’s Classroom Visits One of my favorite things to do is visit classrooms and see how hard the students are working and how amazing our teachers are at teaching. This week every single class was engaged and rigorously learning new tasks. Some of the excellent learning I saw while visiting classrooms was summary writing, fractions, peer editing, partner reading, interactive journaling, and looking for details when reading. I also got to watch our oh-so-grown-up 6th graders working with their 2nd grade buddies and being perfect role models. Absolute Happiness. J
Growth and Assessments Speaking of experiencing growth, we will begin our mid-year assessments next week. Some students will be tested again with our Fountas & Pinnell (F & P) reading assessment and ALL students will be tested with the ELA and Math iReady assessments. The staff and I expect to see growth from our September assessments and will again use these data points to guide classroom instruction.
PTA Minutes If you are unable to attend a PTA meeting you may access the minutes in the PTA Google group. Please note only PTA members are given access to minutes.
Coffee with the Principal Please join me on January 20th at 8:45 am to meet Egan Middle School Principal Mr. Rocha. He will be sharing with you some things to look forward to when your child enters middle school and answer any questions you may have. This is for all parents to enjoy…not just upper grade parents. I will also be there to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. Please note the February Coffee will be held in the evening for those parents who cannot attend a morning meeting. Have a happy week and stay dry! Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal |
3/9/25 8:35 AM