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Hello GB Community,
Last Friday, we held our first PTA General Meeting of the school year. The 2018-19 budget was approved and I cannot express enough how much the GB staff appreciates the parent community and their support for our students. Superintendent Baier joined us and shared how successful the opening of the LASD school year has been and gave parents an update on the 10th school site. Our STEM and Literacy Coach, Mrs. Schroeder, modeled a Writer’s Workshop mini lesson and gave parents a perspective of how teachers support students and their individual writing needs. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can access information about the 10th school site on the district’s web pageand view Mrs. Schroeder’s presentation here. Speaking of STEM…
Please send in some S.T.U.F.F. (Scraps That are Used For Fun!) We will be designing and creating many new products this year in the STEM Lab and could use all of the recyclable materials we can get our hands on! If you have materials/scraps around your home that you’d like to get rid of, feel free to donate them any time throughout the school year. Some examples of materials that are wonderful are: paper towel tubes, tissue paper, buttons, wooden rods, blocks, small wheels, tops of water bottles, plastic containers, cardboard boxes, etc.
Any donations can be dropped off at the STEM Lab. Thank you for your help!
Parents, please remember that your child must leave electronics at home unless otherwise requested by their teacher for a lesson. We do not want to risk expensive items being damaged or lost. Cell phones and Apple watches must remain turned off and in backpacks until the dismissal bell. Thank you for your cooperation.
Happy fall! If your family can make the trip, Apple Hill outside of Sacramento is a pretty cool place to go and enjoy all of the special wonders of fall. :)
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
3/9/25 7:33 AM