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September 24, 2018

Hello GB community,

On Friday, students did not have school but the teachers and administrators across this district definitely went to “school.”  Together, site teams and district-wide grade-level teams continued to dive deep into our understanding of how to engage, challenge, and support all students.  We learned about literacy, assessments, using choice words, Next Generation Science Standards, how to give good feedback, language in math, and so much more.  Teachers were not able to participate in every session offered but that is where our practice and passion for collaboration comes in.  When teachers meet weekly to collaborate, they will bring with them the many tools and strategies learned to share across all grade levels. 

I have always been proud of Gardner and all that we do, and on Friday, I was very proud to be an educator in LASD.  

PTA Meeting

Please join us on Friday the 28th for the first General PTA meeting of the school year.  The PTA will share a wealth of information that you will not want to miss and your voice is always needed and important.  We will meet in the staff lounge right after the assembly and continue our September focus on literacy.   Mrs. Schroeder will give a brief presentation on Writer’s Workshop in a way that helps parents understand classroom instruction and student learning around writing. (Next month, both the Coffee with the principal and PTA meeting will focus on math.)

Bulletin Board in the Library full of Culture and Awareness

Camilla Gonzalez, has graciously volunteered to start a display in the library.  Beginning in September, a new bulletin board and book display will be in the library highlighting a National month-long observance featuring various cultures of the world and other groups or issues to raise awareness.  These special displays will be tied to books available for students to check out and will also be connected to our Grizzly Character Trait of the Month!

Ms. Gonzalez has also graciously offered to share her expertise in creating beautiful origami objects by teaching our students how to make amazing objects of their own!  Students, look for an upcoming origami lesson in the library during a lunch period in the near future!

If you see Ms. Gonzalez around the campus, please reach out and say “Thanks!”.

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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