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October 08, 2018

Hello GB Community,

For the last couple of years, we have supported many different organizations with one of them being the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health.  Through our annual Heavenly Hat Parade and BookQuest, we have donated hundreds of dollars.  Here is a link to Lucile Packard’s website thanking our school for that support!  We could not support the organizations that we do without the giving spirit of everyone in our community. Thank you to the students, parents, and staff who constantly think of others first!    

This year, our Heavenly Hat Parade will be on Friday, October 12th.  For a small donation to the Lucile Packard Foundation, and more specifically children with cancer, this is a day when students can wear a crazy and fun hat all day long.  Right after our assembly, we will parade around the lower playground to show off our hats.  Parents, you are invited to participate in both the donation drive and in the parade!  The more the merrier. 

Mrs. DeRego’s Book Recommendation for October

The Truth as Told By Mason Buttle, Leslie Connor

Mason is the biggest, sweatiest kid in his grade and everyone knows he is unable to read or write.  Mason is often bullied and teased.  Not only does he have learning disabilities and is tormented by bullies, and he is torn by grief.  His best friend died in Mason’s family orchard last year and the local Lieutenant doesn’t believe that Mason has told him the truth about what happened. 

From your WoW Committee

Hello Grizzly parents!

Next Wednesday (October 10th), we will celebrate the national walk or wheel to school day. Join the fun and walk (or bike) to school! We will have two walking / biking buses: the first will depart from Los Altos Hills Town Hall (26379 W Fremont Rd., Los Altos Hills) and the second will be leaving from the crossing of University & Edit ave. Meeting time for both locations is 8 AM, then we will have a few parents leading the way to school.

Don’t forget to check in at the WoW table at the main entrance when you arrive on campus! We will have some treats and surprises for everyone who walked, biked or carpooled to school.

 Happy week everyone and remember…tomorrow is Picture Day!

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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