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April 29, 2019
Hello GB community,Please join me in congratulating Gardner’s Teacher of the Year: Ms. CJ Evenhuis!  Nominated and honored by her peers, Ms. Evenhuis is recognized for her passion for students and the ability to create an environment where students feel safe, are engaged, and cannot wait to learn.  We are proud of her and excited as she moves on to the next steps.  Thank you for all that you do for GB, CJ!  Congratulations to all of the students ...

April 21, 2019
The staff and I welcome you all back from Spring Break!  We are very excited to see each of you again and look forward to the fun festivities/activities that come with the last few months of school including the 6th-grade café, JOs, Open House, Talent Show, Spring Concert, and Field Day…just to name a few!  I personally, look forward to staff appreciation week because it is such a wonderful week around here when the staff is held in...

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