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September 29, 2019
Hello Gardner Community,Today, all of the LADS’ teachers are using this day without students to professionally develop and learn how to better support students. Together, we will learn about a new math data protocol, reading and writing toolkits, student engagement, design thinking, checking for understanding, and so much more! This is also a day when teachers get together with teachers from other schools and share best practices. We always feel refreshed after such a day of recharging and...

September 23, 2019
Hello GB community!We had a fantabulous community give-back event last night. In one and a half hours, we packaged over 10,000 meals for the organization Rise Against Hunger and donated over 3,000 in cash. It took parents, students, and staff members working side-by-side with hairnets and gloves but we truly enjoyed every minute of it. I have heard over and over from parents who cannot wait to do it again next year. Ali G organized our group and we are so grateful for her thoughtfulnes...

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