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December 01, 2019
We wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving break. From all of the staff here at Gardner Bullis, please know how grateful we are to have such a giving and caring community.For some of you, we will see you here during your scheduled PTC on Monday or Tuesday.Travel safely and eat well. ;)Warmly,Nadia

November 19, 2019
November 15thWelcome back to our 4th graders and the awesome duo Mrs. Axley and Mrs. Leinenbach from their overnight stay at Coloma! The students enjoyed hands-on learning about California history and for many spent their first night away from home. We are so excited for them all to return and cannot wait to hear about their two days in “gold country!” Thank you to the parent chaperones for joining the crew for without you the trip would not be possible!NovemberParents and students, ...

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