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January 10, 2020
his morning, Denise Gluhan from the LAH County Fire District shared emergency preparedness/fire prevention tips and education to our parents. Thank you to Meera M. for connecting us and thank you to all of the parents who joined this morning. Some quick takeaways were: 1) Try to keep your gas tank at least half full, 2) Bolt heavy furniture to the wall, 3) Create an evacuation plan for your family and then practice, 4) Clear vegetation from your home, 5) Build a “Go” bag that you can...

January 06, 2020
Happy New Year and welcome back! The staff and I very much look forward to seeing the students again and hearing about their vacations and holiday celebrations. Two weeks is a long time to be away and we certainly miss them. I am excited to visit all of the classrooms on Monday to say “hello.” :-)Coffee with the PrincipalPlease join me on Friday, January 10th right after the Friday assembly for the first coffee of the year. We will meet in the staff room. More information about the t...

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