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his morning, Denise Gluhan from the LAH County Fire District shared emergency preparedness/fire prevention tips and education to our parents. Thank you to Meera M. for connecting us and thank you to all of the parents who joined this morning. Some quick takeaways were: 1) Try to keep your gas tank at least half full, 2) Bolt heavy furniture to the wall, 3) Create an evacuation plan for your family and then practice, 4) Clear vegetation from your home, 5) Build a “Go” bag that you can easily access in the event of an emergency that has copies of important information and necessities such as medication inside, and finally, 6) Store 3-days worth of emergency food and water.
For emergency alerts text your zip code to 888777.
If you have not had a chance to swing by and check out the new playgrounds, or even our new mural, please plan to do so soon! The children have been enjoying the new equipment and the adults have surely enjoyed watching their happy faces. Thank you, PTA and auction donors!!
School Board Presentation
On Monday, January 13th, teachers, parents, and students will be joining me for our annual school board presentation. This is our evening to shine and highlight something we are proud of. Our theme this year is Building Communities Across Grade-levels. Multiple teachers and our 6th-grade student leaders will be speaking to the school board @ 7:00 pm at the District Office. Join us if you can and support GB!!
New Families Tour
On Friday, January 17th, I am hosting a new families’ information meeting and school tour. This morning is specifically designed for those families who are looking for their new home school and would like more information about Gardner Bullis! If you know of a family with preschool children or are soon moving into the area, please pass the word on to them. They can join me in the staff lounge at 9:00 am.
Happy Weekend,
3/9/25 3:34 PM