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Happy Sunday GB!
I do hope this email finds you and yours bundled up, warm, and relaxed. Tomorrow, there is no school, so that our country can honor and remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his accomplishments in the Civil Rights Movement. If you would like to have conversations about MLK, the National Geographic for Kids has a nice website with child-friendly articles and photos.
There will be NO school on Tuesday, so our teachers can come together across the district for professional development. One thing that I know for certain about LASD is their passion and strength when it comes to professionally developing their teachers! Topics for teachers to participant in will range from math, academic conversations, writing, tools for reading, special education, music, and so much more. We all look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
Parking Lot Safety Concerns and Rules to Follow…EVEN WHEN IT RAINS
There has been an increase over the last couple of weeks of cars struggling with the parking lot rules so here is a friendly reminder of what those rules and safety behaviors we all want to follow are:
Math Pathways Update
I hope that you had a chance to review the email from Sandra McGonagle, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, last Friday regarding an update to proposed junior high school math course changes. The LASD administrative team has decided to extend the window of planning and teacher training prior to making the proposed changes. More information can be found in the email sent on Friday.
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
3/9/25 8:01 AM