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Hello GB Families,
As a friendly, we still have two lanes entering the school parking lot that we are using to minimize the traffic impact on Fremont. The two lanes do merge into the one pick-up or drop-off lane, so continue to be mindful of taking turns merging at the stop. Thank you in advance.
We have a busy week next week and I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the STEM EXPO on Tuesday as well as our Multi-Culture Fair on Friday evening. Below is a message from our awesome Literacy and STEM Coach-Mrs. Schroeder.
Have you ever sat down next to your child while they were engrossed in a book and asked, “What are you reading?” or “How is that book?” Then after having a fun exchange, you both move back to what you were doing and they nestle back into the pages. Meanwhile, there is a part of you that wants to dive deeper into that reading experience with your child. As adults, we know that when we get to question, ponder, analyze and discuss what we read, it leads to a much richer experience and children are no different. When we give them opportunities to work through ideas, make statements of wonder, ask questions, even share funny parts that bring back hilarious memories from their own life, we are tapping into those complex reading strategies they are learning in the classroom. So now I offer the how. How do we make the questions we ask our readers both meaningful and purposeful? As both a mother and a teacher, I know that deep meaningful questions don’t always just pour out of us at the perfect time, so it helps to have a tool as a guide. Check out this sheet full of example questions. You will notice each question is also aligned with a critical reading strategy. So next time you cozy up to your young reader, move beyond the simple “how is the book” and take a journey together.
-Your Partner in Literacy
Mrs. Schroeder
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
3/8/25 6:41 PM